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Trans Vinyl Express #59

Trans Vinyl Express - By Radio U

59 min 20 sec 15 May 2019

In this episode
we discuss :

De la Soul "tarantinesque" de Syl Johnson à la synth pop froide des Black Marble en passant par le carrefour musical foutraque des années 80, bienvenue dans TVE! - Syl Johnson - Teardrops - The Isley Brothers - Don't give it away - Curtis Mayfiels - Wild and free - Stevie Wonder - Black man - Adam and the Ants - The human beings - Lords of the New Church - Livin' on livin' - Echo and The Bunnymen - A promise - Beach Fossils - That's all for now - Cat Power - Fate of the human carbine - Clap Your Hands Say Yeah - Gimmie some salt - Soul Coughing - Collapse - Shopping - Discover - Black Marble - MSQ No-extra - Black Marble - A different arrangement (photo: DJ Gonzales - au centre - studio de Radio U - 2002)
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