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Trans Vinyl Express #52

Trans Vinyl Express - By Radio U

1 h 1 min 06 February 2019

In this episode
we discuss :

Du génialissime label suisse Bongo Joe (Yin Yin, Derya Yildirim, Altin gün, Mauskovic dance band, Cyril Cyril, etc...) aux pépites libyenne et ghanéenne d'Ahmed Fakroun et Kiki Gyan en passant par une large palette de pop/rock indé, c'est TRANS VINYL EXPRESS! - Yin Yin - Dion Ysiusk - Derya Yildirim & Grup Simsek - Kurk - The Fatback Band - (are you ready) do the bus stop - Ahmed Fakroun - Shams el shams - Kiki Gyan - Disco dancer - Patti Smith - Smells like teen spirit - The Earlies - Bad is as bad does - Anika - No one's there - Boy Pablo - Wtf - Men I Trust - Say, can you hear - Brace brace - Club Dorothée - Parquet Courts - Total football - De Staat - All is dull (photo: Yin Yin)
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